While Vikas Bahl's Shandaar, which will mark her debut as an actress, is yet to release, Sanah Kapoor, Shahid Kapoor's younger sister, has already bagged her next project. Shandaar also features her father Pankaj Kapur in a prominent role, and in her second film too Sanah will share screenspace with daddy.
A source told Mirror that the youngster has been roped in for a film titled Abhi Nahi To Kabhi Nahi, produced by Lara Dutta, her husband Mahesh Bhupathi, and Virender Arora.
Said a source close to the development, "The film is a romantic, family comedy and it deals with four couples of varying ages and their love stories. While Sanah is part of the youngest couple, Pankaj, will be seen romancing a younger actress."
The source added that the makers are bullish on the actress and after a few rounds of narration, locked her for the part. "She represents the voice of the youth in a film that has people from all age groups," added the source.
The film also features Kay Kay Menon and Rajeev Khandelwal, and will see Lara Dutta in a prominent role. It is expected to go on floors in May this year and will be extensively shot in Darjeeling.
When asked if it was her father who recommended her for the role, our source said, "No, he didn't even know that she's been approached and it was Sanah herself who broke the news to Pankaj that she's doing yet another film with him."
A source told Mirror that the youngster has been roped in for a film titled Abhi Nahi To Kabhi Nahi, produced by Lara Dutta, her husband Mahesh Bhupathi, and Virender Arora.
Said a source close to the development, "The film is a romantic, family comedy and it deals with four couples of varying ages and their love stories. While Sanah is part of the youngest couple, Pankaj, will be seen romancing a younger actress."
The source added that the makers are bullish on the actress and after a few rounds of narration, locked her for the part. "She represents the voice of the youth in a film that has people from all age groups," added the source.
The film also features Kay Kay Menon and Rajeev Khandelwal, and will see Lara Dutta in a prominent role. It is expected to go on floors in May this year and will be extensively shot in Darjeeling.
When asked if it was her father who recommended her for the role, our source said, "No, he didn't even know that she's been approached and it was Sanah herself who broke the news to Pankaj that she's doing yet another film with him."